Hi all. I wanted to post a picture of the newest tattoo even though it is now well over a month old. I still have 1 more that I want but am still saving up the pennies for it. Once it is done then my set of four that I have always wanted will be complete. Makes me happy to be so close to that goal.
On the job front I now have 2 of them. The newest one is at an airport taking peoples money for parking. Not difficult at all, but not exactly stimulating either. I have met some great people already and have started picking out regulars. I have 2 goals for this job. Well 3 actually. First is to get a gentleman tht rarely smiles to smile on a regular basis, 2nd is to relax and let the paperwork mojo come back to me, and 3rd is to bank 75% of the money I earn for emergencies. Not bad goals in my opinion.
On the crafting front I have hit a wall. I have 1 shawl and 1 blanket to work on and NO motivation to finish either one. I guess I am a cool weather crafter after all. I mena who really wants wool or worse acrylic piled on top of them when it is warm out? I also find myself wanting to become a selfish crafter. I want to make things for me, me and oh yeah me. I can appreciate the hard work that goes into the items because I made them. One is never sure if others do or not. I have been stockpileing some special yarn for a big project and now am just waitong for the right inspiration to hit. I hope it is soon.
On the homefront things are slightly better. I received an extension of when I need to be out of the house by almost 3 weeks. That is a huge relief since I have no time to pack. I also want time to deep clean my room and at least one other before I go. I want to be able to show that I can be nice even if others are not.....
Leaving for Pennsylvania tomorrow afternoon. I am both looking forward and dreading it. I have to locate housing and a job while there if I am to move back. I als have some unresolved issues with family members to deal with. I do not want to move unless I can move straight into an apartment of my own instead of in with a friend while I look. I hate moving to begin with so why do it twice?
Well, that is about all for now. Will update again when I think of it.
P.S. Here is a picture of the final tattoo I want. My finished product will have a few modifications of course to make it mine. I had to put the picture at the top since I can't figure out how to put ti at the bottom yet.