Monday, July 28, 2008

Newest weigh in and sp12 question 7

My latest weigh in has me down another 1.6 pounds.
This makes me very happy.
It deffinitly is requiring more effort tolose than it did to put on.

SP12 question 7
We are all creatures of habit and when it comes to sitting down to knit, it’s no different…
What is(are) your favorite place(s) to knit?
Sitting curled up on the corner of my couch, except I crochet not knit.


What supplies (besides yarn & needles) make the setting perfect for knitting?
I like to have at least 5 or 6 sizes of hooks, sissors, a drink (water) and a book for when i want a break.


I was in the black yarn swap, and for some reason never received a package.
However a nice angel named Yo-El sent a great package to make up for it.
This is all that was inside. There was a great card, a candle, mints, a pattern, a bamboo crochet hook, 2 mini skeins of habu textiles, and a giant skein of Re Fa Baruffa cashwool.


Thank you again Yo_El.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

SP12 questions 4 & 5 & 6

Q4: 1) What yarn (that you don’t have/haven’t used) would make your stash “complete”? 2) What yarn do you never want to be without?**

I would love to have some malibrigio or noro of my own
I like to always have some boucle, some cotton, and some wool around.

Q5: 1) Where is your favorite place to go for vacation/holiday? 2) Where is one place you’d like to go?

My favorite place to go is Alabama as I have friends ther that I miss so much.
I would love to go to Alaska, Ireland, and Austrailia. Yes I know it asked for 1, but i couldn;t decide.

Q6: Questions #6 What is your favorite type of project to take along on holiday/vacation?
If you’d like to share a story…Tell us about a time that you packed too much knitting or were stranded without knitting.

I like to take along a scarf since it is small, and now I would also take along some dishcloth cotton. I am really getting into it.
I have never packed too much crochet, and if I amstranded with none then i would buy some sugar and cream and a small hook and go at it. :)

OOps, I have fallen behind. :(

Ok, so much to get caught up on.
Weigh in this week was ok. It was a 1/4 pound down so
that is a win as far as I am concerned.

Swapping has been weird recently.
I am still waiting on my blackyarn swap.
It is coming from England, but was mailed over a month ago,
so I am a bit concerned.

All my scarf swaps are going well.
I am waiting on 2 of them to come in
today or tomorrow so i can add my sections
and mail them backout again.

My SP12 swap is going well.
I received my first package inthe mail
the other day and it is awesome.
Here is a picture.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3 is a great number

Last night at weigh in I was down 3 pounds.
I was shocked to be honest. I had that bloated
feeling all day. I am sure that all the walking I did last week helped me.
We had a challenge and I bid 500 walking minutes.
I ended up doing 590. That included a 2 1/2 hour walk
that I took with my husband. We started out thinking
a quick walk to main street and back. It turned into a 4 mile
long journey into foot pain. :)
I really enjoy going for long walks, but hate to carry my
water bottle along. I need to make one of those crocheted
water bottle holders that hang off of your shoulder.
That way I can stay hydrated and walk longer.

On another craft note, I have been making dishcloths.
I have found a pattern I like that is easy to follow.
That makes me more willing to keep making them till
I can both share some and use some. Now I just need to
go and buy some more surgar and cream cotton.
I think I like the varigated the best so far.

Till next week or so. :)