Hi all. It has beena long time since my last entry.
I fell out of hte habit about the same time I fell off
the Weight Watchers wagon. I had been using htis as
as additional accountability feature. I should have
kept it up even after I left the group.
Oh well, on to new things and to new goal.
Next February my church has its annual
missions trip to LaRomana in the Dominican Republic.
I am going to go with them. Now the cost is huge and
way out of my reach, but a very generous lady has offered to
pay for most of it. All I have to do is get my
passport and the shots. That still leaves a chuck of change to
come up with. I figure about $600.00 or so.
I am asking that all friends and family that want to
make a small contribution toward this missions trip
instead of birthday gifts or anything like that.
I am so excited and I stil have a year to wait.
The other big project is going to be getting in shape for
the trip. It is very warm down there and right now my
weight would make that very uncomfortable for me.
My goal is to be at or under 200lbs by the trip.
That is very doable, but I will need your help.
Please do not offer me goodies and treats that are not healthy.
I am weak willed and will not say no. I give you freely
my permission to ask me what I am doing if you see me
eating things that are bad for me. :) I may grumble, but
just remind me that I said you could tell me about it.
I am also going to try to improve my cardio health this
year by walking as much as I can to as many places
as I can. Feel free to join me for a nightly walk if you want.
My goal is to get back to walking 4 miles at a time at least
two times a week plus a small 1 mile walk 3 times a week.
On the crafting front I have many, many unfinished
projects to work on. Scarves, shawls, and an almost 2 year old single
fingerless glove. One day it might have a mate. There is always
hope. Due to my goal to save money for my trip I am
going to try to severly limit my yarn purchasses this year.
If you however wish to do so for me, I shall gladly accept. :)
I love Noro, Malabrigo, Peacefleece, Alpaca, and oh so many more.
I am in another round of swap on a budget.
A great group of people that each have a goal of
spending $20.00 to put together a nice package for another person.
With that in mind and in case my spoiler is reading
2nd hand books are great in my opinion. I am very open to
anything you think I might like. I will try to post more often
during the swap to help you get to know me a little better.
I would love a water bottle holder or a felted coffee mug
sleeve. Just a coulpe ideas in case you are looking. :)
Well, this is a lot longer than I had planned so I had better close it off for now.
Please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think.