Monday, June 27, 2011

Hmm what to do when choices are not easy

Choises.... they are a good thing so I am told.
Funny how sometimes they are not as easy as we would like to see.

Since losing over 150 pounds it still amazes me that I am treated differently by people. Because I am still the same person inside that I always was it makes me wonder if the people are interested in the outside only or who I really am.

I have a special friend that I have been spending time with since October.
He has helped me overcome some of my body image issues.
He says he cares yet frequently his actions do not match his words.
After several talks about why this is I do understand, but it does not make it any easier to deal with some days. How long do I allow for those baby steps to be taken? I know that I can be intense in how I show feelings to people and that it can overwhelm those that are not in the same place I am. Do I hold back or do I just be me? There is a button I saw that says "Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about." Well, I have yet to go a day without thinking about this person yet there are times when it is painfull to do so. Again, how long before I have to protect me instead fo protecting the other person?

Now comes the other issue.
Another individual wants to spend time with me and become a friend.
I have no problems with that, as one can not have too many friends.
The issue is they have made it clear already that they are interested to see if it could become more. They want to take me out places and have me meet people they know. There is alot in commen and it is almost like talking with someone I have known for years instead of weeks. They are facign the same surgery that I have gone through and have some of the same body image issues I had and still have. I know I can be a support, but don't want to encourage when there is not really a chance for it to progress. How or do I enjoy the friendship when it could become complicated?


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